
KORTO is the synergy of the manual work of records classification with Al-powered context understanding.
Natural and artificial
Record Management Illustration 1

The world of Record Management depends on the record managers: people with a deep and profound understanding of internal procedures and legal regulatory requirements, and of how record classifications work; people who ensure that all compliance procedures are followed.

KORTO will be a great aid to them. It will recommend tags and classifications; it will help them to set required and predefined tags; it will take over system tags from the source system (if there is one); and it will offer to create label tags (with no value) and field tags (with keys and values). These and many other cool and friendly features make the working lives of records managers, if not a joy, then at least bearable.

But KORTO doesn’t stop there.

KORTO will analyse and understand your records. If they are scanned, it will carry out OCR recognition and understand the context. It will extract the names of people and places and entities (such as companies) from your records, and declare those as “auto-tags”. If there are images in your records, such as schemas and drawings, it will understand them and let you search on them. In the background it will translate your records into your primary language (if you have one), so that your record managers can search KORTO records in that language, regardless of the original language of the record. It will use AI and cognitive services to do all of that.

The result is classification that goes far beyond what record managers can do manually. It is the synergy of the manual, logical work of records classification staff with AI-powered context understanding which makes KORTO so powerful.

Our Example

Sticking to our example, human records managers will, for contracts concluded in the Zurich office with partner company “X”, create the classifications “Zurich” and “Contract” and “Partner X”. That will be enough to easily find and manage records based on those criteria. But AI will add context. It will understand that the contract is about providing consulting services, and which people were involved and are named in the contract, and much more. Now, besides searching for “Zurich” and “Contract”, you can search for “Consulting Services” and “John Smith”, and KORTO will know what you are looking for, and will show you the results.

Record Management Illustration 1
Natural and artificial

The world of Record Management depends on the record managers: people with a deep and profound understanding of internal procedures and legal regulatory requirements, and of how record classifications work; people who ensure that all compliance procedures are followed.

KORTO will be a great aid to them. It will recommend tags and classifications; it will help them to set required and predefined tags; it will take over system tags from the source system (if there is one); and it will offer to create label tags (with no value) and field tags (with keys and values). These and many other cool and friendly features make the working lives of records managers, if not a joy, then at least bearable.

But KORTO doesn’t stop there.

KORTO will analyse and understand your records. If they are scanned, it will carry out OCR recognition and understand the context. It will extract the names of people and places and entities (such as companies) from your records, and declare those as “auto-tags”. If there are images in your records, such as schemas and drawings, it will understand them and let you search on them. In the background it will translate your records into your primary language (if you have one), so that your record managers can search KORTO records in that language, regardless of the original language of the record. It will use AI and cognitive services to do all of that.

The result is classification that goes far beyond what record managers can do manually. It is the synergy of the manual, logical work of records classification staff with AI-powered context understanding which makes KORTO so powerful.

Our Example

Sticking to our example, human records managers will, for contracts concluded in the Zurich office with partner company “X”, create the classifications “Zurich” and “Contract” and “Partner X”. That will be enough to easily find and manage records based on those criteria. But AI will add context. It will understand that the contract is about providing consulting services, and which people were involved and are named in the contract, and much more. Now, besides searching for “Zurich” and “Contract”, you can search for “Consulting Services” and “John Smith”, and KORTO will know what you are looking for, and will show you the results.

Illustration 3

Marvees specialises in recognising your typical records. Every passport looks similar; so does every bank statement. You get the idea. What you do is to tell KORTO, once only, “This is the passport, this is the name, and this is the expiry date.” Or, “This is the bank statement, here are the numbers, and here is everything else you need.”
You can then forget about it. Marvees will forever know that document type, and recognize it each time it sees it.

Each time, tirelessly, it will recognize that stored document is a passport, or a bank statement, and then extract data from those documents and promote them to tags and record classifications.
Even better, since it lives in the cloud, Marvees is capable of swarm learning. Maybe another KORTO user has already told Marvees what the statements issued by your bank look like. In that case, Marvees will automatically recognize your bank statements, without you having to explain it again. Within months, the swarm intelligence of Marvees will be able to help you with various types of documents.

The amount of time and money saved with Marvees, as an integral part of KORTO, is immense.

Illustration 3

Marvees specialises in recognising your typical records. Every passport looks similar; so does every bank statement. You get the idea. What you do is to tell KORTO, once only, “This is the passport, this is the name, and this is the expiry date.” Or, “This is the bank statement, here are the numbers, and here is everything else you need.”
You can then forget about it. Marvees will forever know that document type, and recognize it each time it sees it.

Each time, tirelessly, it will recognize that stored document is a passport, or a bank statement, and then extract data from those documents and promote them to tags and record classifications.
Even better, since it lives in the cloud, Marvees is capable of swarm learning. Maybe another KORTO user has already told Marvees what the statements issued by your bank look like. In that case, Marvees will automatically recognize your bank statements, without you having to explain it again. Within months, the swarm intelligence of Marvees will be able to help you with various types of documents.

The amount of time and money saved with Marvees, as an integral part of KORTO, is immense.

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