Organize, find, and protect your records with KORTO

KORTO is the go-to cloud-based records management solution for businesses of any size.
We're a hybrid-first company with team members and offices around the globe
Record Management Illustration

For almost 20 years, we've been assisting companies like yours in finding, organizing, and managing their data, no matter where it's located. And we're still going strong, dedicated to serving you better.

Record Management Illustration
We're a hybrid-first company with team members and offices around the globe

For almost 20 years, we've been assisting companies like yours in finding, organizing, and managing their data, no matter where it's located. And we're still going strong, dedicated to serving you better.

How Did We Do It?

KORTO was born from the premise that Records Management is your friend.
It stands by you when you must find that one document from a project that was archived many years ago.

It helps you to destroy, at the proper time, any private records you may hold about employees, customers, and partners. It is your best aid in all litigation and audit scenarios.

Checkmark We have been analysing the difficulties our customers have with current Records Management systems.
Checkmark We have been hearing about their needs and their secret wishes.
Checkmark We have been talking to the industry and to legal experts in the EU and in Switzerland, to ensure that we’re not missing something.
Checkmark We have been recruiting our customers for pilot projects, to make sure that they enjoy using KORTO and find it useful and friendly.
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